Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Our days at home

Drew and I have been on our own with Keegan since Sunday evening. We still have the occasional visitors, but most of the day, and all night, it's just the three of us. We're certainly trying to figure out how we all work together, but it's going well. Drew has been the most amazing helper/dad. Once I finish feeding Keegan, Drew is up and ready to change diapers, get me a snack/drink, and anything else that might be out of my reach.

Today we pulled out our breast pump for the first time and were successful in using it too. Drew got to feed his baby and it was awesome to watch. Drew just had this little smile about his face the entire time. We're certainly not going to switch to bottles completely, but having that option for in the middle of the night, or driving around town, or just to give me a break, will be fantastic. And I love the idea of getting Drew more involved in Keegan's everyday needs.

We had a friend come over and take pictures of Keegan this last weekend and although we don't have them all, I thought I'd give just a little teaser. Check out my precious boy!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love Love Love this picture and can't wait to see the rest!! =)
