Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Keegan & Kyrie

The process of introducing our dog to our baby began long before Keegan came home.

While reading our weekly pregnancy book, they suggested that we finish preparing the baby's space and then start removing the pooch from that space. So we finished the nursery and then tride to start Kyrie out of that space. We also set up the pack n' play in our bedroom and wouldn't let Kyrie sleep in our room- this one was really hard for all of us. For the past year and a half, our little four-legged baby would sleep at the end of our bed, and trying to kick her out was tough. But now that Keegan is here, it's a whole new ball game.

When we brought Keegan home from the hospital, Kyrie was VERY curious as to what/who he was. She wanted to be in the same space as him, no matter where he was, for the first few hours. When we all tried to go to bed, Keegan discovered his lungs and his vocal cords and he USED them for several hours. When he first started crying, Kyrie was quietly growling and whimpering- but after several hours of hearing Keegan cry, Kyrie moved on and was no longer interested. That was fast!

Since then, Kyrie is very curious about this little man. Whenever we put Keegan in his swing, which is right at eye level for Kyrie, the dog wanders over and sniffs and sniffs until we tell her to move along. She is so interested in him.

Honestly, the hardest part for me and Drew, and anyone else who knows both Keegan and Kyrie, is getting the names right- with two "K" names in one house, it's often difficult to get them right with the right being. Makes us laugh as we try to get it right!!

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