Monday, March 21, 2011

Keegan's Statistics

We had Keegan's two week appointment this last Friday, when technically he was 11 days old. Oh man, is he growing already. In two weeks time, he weighs/measures:

7 lbs & 15oz (which puts him in the 25%)
20 1/4 in. long (also in the 25%)
and has a head circumfrance of 36 1/2cm ( the 30%)

I really don't know what the percentiles means- I've been told that of all the babies that are his age, 50% is average, so we should be looking good. I couldn't believe he gained 12 oz in a week- if I had any doubt that he wasn't eating enough, my worries have been put to bed. Our next appointment is at the two month mark, which is right before I go back to work and he starts daycare. A perfect time to make sure he is well and ready to party!!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it amazing how much they grow and how fast?! We took Blakely to her 4 month appointment today and I got a reality check that my baby isn't so "baby" anymore! =( Enjoy him while you can Meg, time goes TOOOOOO Fast!!
