Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Great-Godparents

These wonderful people are Scott and Susie Ellsworth- they are my Godparents. They live around the corner from us here in Boise and we love having them so close- I'm constantly inviting ourselves over to their house for dinner- you might laugh, but it works every time. From the picture below, you can figure out that I've known them my entire life. I was only a few weeks old in this picture. Within a few weeks of Keegan being born, we were able to take the next generation of this picture. It's awesome being able to have pictures like this. Susie and "Scooter" mean so much to me and my family, and now they'll start their impression on the next generation of my family. I love you both, and can't wait to share Keegan's life with you. He will be as lucky to have you in his life as I have been!!

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