Friday, March 25, 2011

Megan Time

When Drew and I first got together, we made it a priority that we each maintain our individual interests and kept time for ourselves. Drew went to weekly "Boys Night" outings where he would be as nerdy as he wanted, for several hours at a time. I enjoyed participating in a Book Club, having coffee and cocktails with girlfriends, and sometimes just being at home by myself. I also started taking time for myself at the gym, and in running. This was important to us because we knew that taking time for ourselves is what would make us better partners for each other. If Drew's needs weren't met and my needs weren't met, there was no way that we could contribute to the needs of combined relationship.

Once we found out we were pregnant, I knew we would have to focus even more on the time we had as individuals, and as a couple, before we became parents. I was able to join apre-natal water aerobics class, which turned out to be the absolute BEST thing I would do for myself my entire pregnancy. I not only got "Me" time, but I met some amazing women, all of whom were experiencing the exact same thing I was, and could relate to what I was going through. I came to look forward to this bi-weekly event even more than I had appreciated working out before, adn when I couldn't make it to class, I was truly disappointed.

Now that the baby is here, Drew and I may be challenged to find time for ourselves in our day, but I know that it is as important as ever. I look forward to taking a regular water aerobics class and getting back into my running routine, and I know Drew will want to get back to his boys night as soon as he can. I know that we'll need this time for ourselves so that we maintain our sanity and our individualism. It may be hard to do all the time, but I know that this time will be nothing but good when we do get to it. And I can't wait for coffee and cocktails again!!!

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