Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Tough Thursday

Let me start this posting by saying that everyone is OK!!! But to be honest, Thursday was the scariest day I've had as a mom so far.

I went to feed Keegan during my lunch hour on Thursday, as I've done all week. Because Drew was working from home that day, he met me at the daycare so that we could both visit with the little man for a bit. While getting ready to feed Keegan, I had Drew holding onto him. All of a sudden, Keegan let go of a pretty big bit of vomit. We cleaned him up, and wiped down Drew, and I continued to feed him. About 20 minutes after I finished feeding him, he got sick again, but this was no small bit of "being sick". I've never seen that much vomit come out of someone so small, or big for that matter. Poor little man, it came out his nose, his mouth, shot across the room and covered the floor. It FREAKED me out!! We started to change his clothes, as he had covered his, and he did it AGAIN!! At that point it was time to call the pediatrician. Our doctor was able to get us in almost immediately so we headed right over. She told us that if it continued she wanted Keegan to have an ultrasound to make sure he wasn't having issues with his stomach muscles. She told us to keep an eye on him for the next few days, but that we really couldn't do anything to stop the vomiting, just keep him comfortable. Well, within ten minutes of leaving her office, Keegan got sick again in the car. So, off to get an ultrasound we went. After an hour of waiting, we found out his scan was fine- which is great because fixing any issue would have required surgery. Relief!!

We've had more bouts of being sickover the past few days, but nothing as bad as Thursday. I felt so absolutely helpless just watching his little body get so tense and scared. I'm just grateful that it didn't seem to hurt him too badly. We're hoping that this goes away soon, as we find ourselves waiting after each feeding to see what happens. I can only hope that I am strong enough to stay by his side no matter what happens to him.

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