Sunday, May 15, 2011

Back to the Grindstone

Drew recently decided that he wanted to start running with me. I've been trying to get him to work out with me for the longest time, but he never seemed completely interested. I would tell him I needed him to be healthy so that he could be around for me and our kids, and now that our kids have started to arrive, I think he's realizing how much fun they are and has figured out for himself that he wants to stick around! I'm very proud of him.

So he decided he wanted to do the "Couch to 5K" training program. It's a nine week program that has you walk/jog/run in intervals, increasing your time of running each week until you can run the time/distance needed in order to complete a 5K (3.1 miles). I thought this would be a great way for him to get started and for me to get back into the swing of running too.

After completing our first week's worth of running, Drew and I sat down and started talking about the experience so far. He remains determined to keep on the program, despite the pain in his ankles and calves. He's such a trooper. I decided that if I was gonna put so much effort into re-training myself to run, I needed to retrain myself to eat better too. It's no secret that I took advantage of the whole "eating for two" scenario. I certainly didn't go crazy, but I indulges more than I needed to. While I was going through my Weight Watcher books to determine what points level I would be at, Drew started looking over my shoulder and started asking questions about how it really all worked. By the end of the conversation, he wanted to do the plan too!! He immediately started going through the kitchen cupboards trying to figure out what we would have for lunch and how many points it would be. He got kind of excited. So, we're doing this together- running and eating right. I'm excited to have a live in partner/ supporter.

And in declaring that we're doing this together, we're sharing our progress. And our progress begins with a starting point. We'll keep you posted as we progress, going through the nine weeks of the running program, and then after that until we reach our goals. Weight wise, our goal will be 10% of our current weight, mine specifically being to reach my pre pregnancy weight of 172 pounds. So, we both hope to lose 25 pounds, to begin with. Then we'll see where we're at. Wish us luck, but i know that with Drew by my side, it will all come easy!!!


  1. How exciting that you are doing this together! 8) Good luck! 8)

  2. That is so awesome! I am so happy for you both. That is going to be so great. Keep the motivation. Maybe you should make your reward after to come to Hawaii on vacation??? :)
