Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Harsh Reality of being a Mom

"A Mom is a Mama to one, and a Mother to all." -Unknown

While Keegan has been around for nearly 12 weeks now, today was perhaps the first time I truly felt like a mom. And it had nothing to do with Keegan.

Today I went to St.Michael's Cathedral for the church's monthly community lunch service. I've talked about this event many times before, and was excited to get back into it for the first time since having Keegan. We had everything ready to go today and opened the doors early to get folks out of the cold and wind.

My table remained empty for several minutes until I turned around and saw a single occupant- single until I saw who he was holding. He was a single father sitting there with his four month old daughter. A daughter who had on a diaper and a TANK TOP! She had a small blanket wrapped around her, but that was all- when I brushed up against her, I could feel her cold toes. Her mom soon joined them and I couldn't keep myself from striking up a conversation with them. We talked about our babies and everything baby oriented. With my heart ready to break inside as they told me about staying at the shelter and not having anymore than 5 diapers back in their "corner", I knew they were at my table for a reason. I walked out of the dining room and called Drew. He could tell where I was going with my plan, and he was readily on board. He put Keegan in the car and headed my way. When he pulled up to the church, he had a pack of diapers, a pack of wipes, a container of formula, two receiving blankets, and an unused layette set with pack of socks to match. I was able to walk in and give all of this to the little family at my table. And because I believe in "teaching them to fish," I told them about the Baby Steps program that the cathedral has- which is a non-profit education and incentive program for limited-income parents and families to promote healthy pregnancies and babies and families. Visit their website at

Feeling so blessed that Drew and I have so many wonderful things to offer Keegan, I feel compelled to pass along some generousity...

With this amazing Baby Steps ministry as my inspiration, I'm asking you all for help. I want to be able to take diapers and wipes with me every month to this church luncheon. If you can help me with donations of either of there items, I will make sure that anyone who shows up in need of these baby essentials will get what they need. If you can't get me diapers or wipes, I am happy to take your money and buy them on your behalf. To my mommy friends: if your baby has diapers they have grown out of, let me know and I will come pick up the remaining pack. If you have diaper coupons you're not using, I'll take those too!! I will also ask the Baby Steps Directoress if she can help me with donations, or if there's a way I can better advertise her program. I know we can truly make a difference in the lives of these children and their parents and I know you won't let me down. Make your donations before the last Saturday of each month and I'll do the rest.

Now, go hug your baby- we are all truly blessed to have them!!

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