Friday, May 20, 2011

Rollin, Rollin, Rollin....

There's a lot I still have to learn about this whole "Mom" thing. I've figured out what Keegan's different cries mean, that he's either smiling cause he's falling asleep or becuase he's messing his pants, and when he talks, I can tell what kind of mood he's in. But when it comes to growth development, I still have a few things to recognize and learn.

For example.....

Yesterday, (May 19th) I put Keegan on his tummy on the bed to give him some "tummy time". He's getting better at holding his head up, but he still kinda leans to one side. Well, he started to lean so much that he rolled over onto his back. Drew was standing near and got soooo excited. I shrugged it off and decided that he only did it cause he was leaning so much. So I put him back on his tummy, his head started leaning and he rolled over again. He got lucky. So I did it one more time, and sure as shootin', he did it a third time. So, I guess myson just rolled over for the first, and second, and third times! And I didn't even get excited- silly mama!

One of my girlfriends who had her baby a month or so before me said today that her son is getting his first tooth. I can't even imagine that we're on the same track. I promise to recognize his teeth and not shrug them off as well. My little man is becoming not so little.

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