Monday, May 2, 2011

Daycare Days

Today was Keegan's first day of daycare. In getting prepared for our separation, I went into work a few hours each day last week, just to get me ready for being away from him. I must say, I think it made all the difference. Don't get me wrong, I still had a tear or two welling up this morning, but it was better then I thought it would be.

Drew and I got him ready to go and dropped him off together at Kids' Kastle. It's a small daycare about five minutes from each of our works. We can drop in any time, and I'm sure I will to begin with. The woman who manages the center is the woman in charge of Keegan's room. She only has five children to care for, three 1 year olds, and 2 babies, in her particular room. Keegan has his own crib so I brought a blanket from home for hime to have there. I'm thinking about taking a few toys and maybe a picture to take and put in his crib as well.

I decided I would take my lunch hours this week and go over and nurse Keegan. When I got there today, his teacher, Tommy, said he had had a great morning and hadn't fussed at all. He took his morning bottle and then a nap. When I got to him, he was pretty content. I got to feed him and instead of talking to him like I normally do, I just stared at him. He is so precious. After eating, I just held him for the next bit and then put hime down in his crib for a nap. After work when i picked him up, all the teachers told me how cute he was, and what a good, easy baby he had been. I just hope that we have more of those days, although I remain realisitic of what can happen.

So all in all, today was a good day. I stayed busy at work which is what I needed and I got to visit my little man. What a great way to spend my lunch. I'm so grateful we found a good place so close to work. It makes me feel better knowing that he's just down the street. Now, as the babe has been bathed and jammy-ed, it's time for this Mama to go relax and catch some Zzzzzzzz.

P.S. The colic is GONE and Keegan is able to sleep 5 hours at night. Hoping that number keeps getting larger, but just grateful that he feels better as he drifts into dreamland!!

1 comment:

  1. Sure happy to hear it is going so well! Yay for the colic being GONE! You are blessed to have such a sweet baby boy! Love to you 3!
