Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Our New Routine

In our desperate quest to get rid of Keegan's colic, we've been trying anything we could think of to make him more comfortable. Drew's mom suggested we try putting him on the dryer and turning it on. Between the vibrations and the heat, she thought it might calm him down. Well, as you can see, it REALLY calmed him down. He was asleep almost immediately. We've been doing this every night for three nights now and have no intention of stopping yet. Isn't he just adorable!!


  1. Way to go Drew! What an awesome idea! So glad it's working! And don't stop, whatever works, do it!! Remember too..sweet Keegan won't always be colicky! =) Hope you're enjoying the Mom life! Lots of love to you and yours!

  2. OMG I LOVE that! That is hilarious Megan, and thanks to Drew's Mom for thinking of it! WHATEVER WORKS!!!
