Monday, April 4, 2011

4 Weeks vs. 1 Month

As of today, Keegan is four weeks old. But his one month birthday isn't until this Thursday, April 7th. So what am I suppose to say when someone asks how old he is? "Oh, he's four weeks, but he'll be one month in a few days." That's just crazy talk! But anyways. Keegan is certainly growing. He's probably put on another few pounds and is getting longer every week. We had to buy new jammies yesterday for him that are 3 month size. I'll miss the cute clothes he has now, but I'm excited for the cute clothes he'll be wearing soon. He's able to follow me around the room with his eyes, which is awesome. I can start talking to him as I walk in the room and he starts looking for me- I love it! He's getting really good about holding his up, and is even starting to put weight on his legs when we hold him up. I can tell he wants to sleep longer at night, but we're all still working on making that happen. Right now, we have about two good nights and then a not so good night- but I'm sure that will change as soon as we get use to that routine. I mostly feel like I'm getting back to normal. I enjoy sleeping on my stomach again, and being able to see my legs when I shave them. I'm still in my maternity jeans, which I'm not happy about, but I know that will change soon. I have another two weeks before I can get back to working out, so for now, I try to remain patient. I look forward to regular water aerobics, and running again, and simply being able to walk faster than I am. It will all come in time. Oh, little one is waking from morning nap........MUST......HOLD.....CUTE.....BABY!!!

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