Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

Happy Easter to you all. We just got home from a great (quick) weekend in Twin Falls where we spent Easter with Grandma Judy. We went down on Saturday after having our Boise & Idaho Falls family members over for an early Easter brunch. Once we arrived in Twin, Drew and I left the baby (that's right, you heard me) and grabbed an ice cream and rented a movie for us all to watch. Even though we were gone only 30 minutes, it was the first 30 minutes that Drew and I have had to ourselves since Keegan was born. It was nice to walk through the store just holding Drew's hand and being a couple- thanks Grandma for the break.

We got up on Sunday morning to discover that the Easter Bunny had found us all the way in Twin Falls. And boy did he (she) spoil us. We all got goodies and I can't wait to wear my new flip flops, and we'll help Keegan use his beach toys soon. We got everybody ready and headed to church. It was certainly nice to see all our favorite Ascension folks and to be in that familiar place. After church we hurried off to join my mom and her boyfriend and his kids for Easter brunch. It was a lovely afternoon. After our drive home, Keegan enjoyed his nightly bath and Drew and I are recovering while watching Wall-E on the tv. All in all, a wonderful first holiday for my new little family. Hope you all had a wonderful Easter Sunday!!

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