Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Bump has Arrived

Please forgive the lack of make-up, but I wanted to share the arrival of my baby bump. Up until now, I haven't wanted to post belly pictures because, quite frankly, I wasn't looking pregnant yet- perhaps just bloated. This picture was taken the first day of week 23 in our pregnancy. I am spliting my time between my regular pants (somedays with the help of a belly band) and maternity pants (which I am wearing in this pic).

The hardest part of this whole pregnancy has been re-gaining all the weight I took this last year losing. I know I am gaining for a very different reason now, but it is nearly painful every time I get on the scale. I hope my hard work and dedication to working out before the baby will make it easy to get back on the regime after the baby. And I will be all in favor of the breast-feeding diet as well!!!

Drew and I started our registry today. I don't know if we did it too early, but I feel I have a lot of research to do before actually add a whole lot to the list. Registering for our wedding was easy; we just added plates and linens and bedsheets that we liked. Registering for a baby means looking at warnings and recall notices and parent reviews and product descriptions. Needless to say, the hour we spent in Target was exhausting and a wee bit over-whelming. We have a few things more to add to the list (baby monitor, more bottles, first aid/health products) but we did have a good time.

To answer everyone's first question after finding out we're having a boy: YES, we have picked out a name for our little man, but NO we are not sharing yet. We figured that with getting to share the gender and our nursery theme and our registry hopes and everything else, we wanted to keep one thing for ourselves. So we will be happy to share the name we've selected as soon as there's a baby to give it to- thanks for your patience :)

1 comment:

  1. You look great Meg!! =) And you're only going to get more beautiful!! Can't wait to see all your nursery progress and everything else! Your baby boy is going to be blessed with parents like you and Drew! =)
