Monday, November 29, 2010

Newest Baby Projects

One of the favorite Case family projects is making burb cloths and matching blankets for their newest family members. I've seen cousins and siblings receive these near hand-made goodies for four years now and I have finally started receiving my own. Even better, I 've started making my own. While out-and-abouting on Black Friday morning, I found the pattern pieces needed to make my own set. The fabirc comes in the form seen below (some come with matching blankets), and it has the small stitching holes punched around the sides. It's up to the crafter to crochet or knit as she pleases around the edges.

Very proud of my craftiness, considering in High School I swore off all projects that resembled anything domestic or girlie. Those who knew me best knew I referred to these kinds of arts & crafts as "Mormon Women Projects", as all my LDS girlfriends spent their Wednesday nights at church learning these domestic skills. Now before anyone gets their feelers hurt, I used this term in a joking sense in order to avoid admitting that I might have been interested in learning along with them. I repeatedly refused invites from my class-mates and neighbors and now find myself wishing I could tag along as a fly on the wall to learn how to sew, or can, or scrapbook (my sworn off secret enemy) or bake withour burning, or knit travel size cosmetic bags. or...or...or... Yes, to those of you who are active members in the church, I do realize I could tag along at any point with any of you to learn, but I'm pretty sure they're age limits to learning how to make doll clothes :)

Perhaps in my next life, I'll come back with all the Martha Stewart tips I need to teach YOU ALL a thing or two about being domestic!!!


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE this post!! =) I'm VERY impressed with your skills!! My mom does this very same thing for my girls! 30 total for Addyson, and 8 so far for Blakely, although I'm having to stay after her for the rest (total she has 25 to go! ha ha) We found so much cute flannel this time!! These you have done are so very cute!! Great job Meg! Can't wait for your shower!! =)

  2. "I've seen cousins and siblings receive these near hand-made goodies for four years now" I just want to know what siblings have been getting these?
