Monday, November 22, 2010

My Drew

I was folding laundry in my college dorm room at BSU one day when I saw Drew walking past my building outside. We had not really met, I didn't know his last name, what he was studying in school, where he came from, or where he was going. But somehow, in that moment, I KNEW I would marry him. It would only take us another two years before that actually became a reality.

Now, four years into our relationship, we find ourselves in a wonderful place. We own our home, we have two great jobs, wonderful friends and family, and our first child on the way- what more could a woman ask for? If I DID have anything else, Drew would do whatever he could to make it happen for me.

Since the beginning of our time together, everyone always told me how lucky I was to have Drew, and I always agreed. He's the kind of person who would truly get out of bed and drive as far as he needed to in order to help a friend. He gives everyting he has to everything he does- he goes the distance to get the job done.

The thing I love the most about Drew is his ability to make me laugh. When I first met him, he was so quiet, and over the years I have come to realize he is one of the funniest people I know. When he gets together with his friends, I often find myself doubled over in laughter. He is smart and witty, and combines the two in order to provide some very interesting conversations.

More than anything, I am grateful to have him by my side in our adventures into paretnhood. And he has been by my side in everything- he comes to every doctors appointment, tucks me in bed at my new, earlier bedtime, has gone out for chocolate cake when no other dessert in the house would do, and has started reaching into the back of my closest to get me my shoes. He has been SO supportive and loving throughout this whole process and I hope I tell him often enough how much I appreciate him. I believe more and more everyday that he will be a wonderful father, as he has already proved to be an amazing husband.

I love you Drew Bob, and can't wait to continue our amazing adventure together!! You've been so wonderful to me, in ways and on days that I not always deserved, and yet you loved me through it all. You are my best part and better half and you have truly made me a stronger person. You will never know how you have touched my life and my heart and I am grateful to have you in my life. I love going to bed next to you everynight, and waking up next to you every morning. And most of all, I Love You MORE!!

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