Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas 2010

Well, the Christmas tree is up. It looks a weeeeee bit smaller than last year's foliage, but there is a reason for that. When we went to get our real xmas tree last year, the window in my car broke after rolling it down to tie the tree down- it quickly became the most expensive Christmas tree I've EVER had!! After that, Drew and I agreed that we wanted to spend that extra $40-60-370 on gifts for our friends and family and so, reluctantly, I bought an artificial tree the day after Christmas. It was a good deal, but now I know why- IT'S FREAKIN' SKINNY!!!! Oh well, it leaves space for the rest of the furniture in our front room- especially leaving room for visiting friends!!

This was one of the very first ornaments we had on our real tree last year. We had just purchased our home in June and this was a gift from our realtor, Jen Buetler of John L. Scott. It was awesome- a picture of our first home to go on our first real Christmas tree.

Many people have some kind of "Our First Christmas" ornament, but I'm sure none of them look like this one. A friend from TF, Stephanie Crumrine, made this for Drew and I and we LOVE it. Something truly individual and artistic and we have the ONLY one.

I bought this owl in the after Christmas sales of last year. I was in an "owl" stage of my life and am just grateful that the colors of the owl match the colors of our other ornaments.

Getting back to those yearly personalized ornaments we all have to celebrate those special moments in our lives, we now have one for this year. I found this little piece at a Christmas kiosk in the mall and knew we had to have it. I've seen lots of "Baby's 1st Christmas" ornaments, but this was the first of this kind I had seen. It now proudly hangs on our Christmas tree, only to be added to by one of those "Baby's 1st" next year.


  1. Your ornaments are beautiful!! Love the one of you and Drew on your wedding day!! So special! And the Mom/Dad to be is AWESOME!! I have never seen one!! =) I'm jealous you have your tree up! Way to be on top of it! That is my project for the next couple of days! I will have to post ours! =) Happy Holidays to you Drew, and Baby Boy! Our love to you 3!

  2. very cute, the way you explained the experience of your last Christmas, it is so pretty. Thank you for sharing.

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