Saturday, March 3, 2012

Our Generations

Within the past few months we've been able to get both family's FOUR Generations pictures taken. While we didn't have time to go to the professionals, we certainly didn't waste the opportunities we had to get some great pictures.

We recently celebrated Drew's Grandma Lennox's 89th birthday!! Let me tell you, this amazing woman is no regular 89 year old woman. She's got the gumption and loving kindness of anyone her junior and is absolutely devoted to her family in every way. With the weather being as mild as it had been, we ventured over to Burley for the day where we and 18 other fmaily members CRAMMED ourselves into the home where Grandpa Howard grew up to celebrate this wonderful woman. Drew's Aunt Ruth ( the family caterer) did all the cooking so no one went home hungry. The party was on Saturday and I don't think we needed to eat again until Tuesday! We got to see old family pictures and heard some fantastic stories. This was the first birthday party that Lennox ever had and we were certainly privledged to have been on the guest list. I have no doubt that we will have manymore celebrations within this wonderful woman's company!! 

 Around Christmas time my mom's mom, Nana Pat, came to Boise to meet her first great-grandson. My grandma doesn't travel often so we were very pleased that she was able to come spend some time with us. She was VERY pleased to meet our little man and wasted no time, like a good grandma does, getting down on the floor and showing Keegan how to romp around the living room with his new fire truck! They had so much fun together. I think they tuckered each other out and I'm sure both slept very well that night.

Drew and I feel so fortunate to have such wonderful family and friends to love on our son and take such good care of him. We especially feel very blessed to still have our grandmas around to share in his little life. We remember the grandparents we've lost and know that they are all together very pleased with the life that we've been given to watch over, and thank them everyday for watching over us.
We love you all!!!

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