Saturday, March 3, 2012

An Island-Size Surprise

 A few weeks ago Drew had decided to take me out to dinner to try and remedy a string of very bad days for me at work. He suggested we go to Chili's over by the mall- even though we have one closer to us by the university. I didn't dispute it because I was simply impressed that he was being spontaneous enough to throw this together last minute. So off to dinner we went!

We got our drinks, some chips and salsa and got our dinner ordered when around the corner, seemingly out of nowhere walked our dearest friends Bethany and Claire Quigley. Normally, this wouldn't be such a big deal, but the Quigleys live in Hawaii, and I had absolutely NO idea that they were in town. Moreso, I had no idea that Bethany and Drew had been in secret contact for nearly two weeks putting this together. I am usually not one to be surprised, nor speechless when a surprise is carried out. I literally sat in my chair for an entire minute trying to figure out what was going on before I figured out that I had been the blessed recepient of a very, VERY big surprise visit. The last time we had seen the Quigley clan was the September that we were pregnant with Keegan (2009). We went to visit them in Seattle and they moved to Hawaii shortly there after. Perhaps the most fun part of it all, was that this was the first time the girls got to meet Keegan- it was so wonderful to finally share him with them. While we don't see each other often, Beth and I are on the phone every week as we try to work conversations into the time difference that we share. Bethany had planned a HUGE week of surprises for her family, and she kicked it off with stopping by to see us first. Her younger sister had just had her second baby, and Bethany decided to "drop by" for a week long visit. I couldn't have been more happy to see anyone else! If that's what happens when Drew decides to take me to dinner, he can take me anytime he wants to!!

Thanks girls soooooooo much for this amazing visit! We miss you all so much and can't wait to have you back on the mainland! Mahalo & Aloha...for now!!!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! Way to go Drew! You look fab Meg, and looks like you had loads of fun!:) Happy for you girl! Miss you!
