Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Boise Zoo

Over Keegan's birthday weekend, we took Keegan and some of our friends, Brittany and Carl, to the Boise Zoo. We had taken Keegan to the Idaho Falls Zoo when he was about 6 months old, so we knew that at a year it would be a very different experience. The weather was so nice this particular weekend that we thought the zoo would be the perfect afternoon getaway- we'll, everyone else in Boise had the same idea. So while it was very busy, we still had a great time and got to see everything that we wanted!

 The African Plains Exhibit was under construction while Drew and I were engaged and we hadn't been back since. It was fun to see the lions and giraffes and we were so close to the Zebras we could have touched them!! We saw monkeys and the tigers, and also made sure to take advantage of all of the photo opportunities...

 Perhaps the nicest part of going with extra people was that I got to be in some of the pictures. Thanks to Britt for making sure we had some fun family pictures to end the day with!

Drew's favorite animals are the penguins and we had a great time showing them off to Keegan. They were swimming around under the water so he was actually able to see them. I think Keegan had a great visit to the Zooa nd now that he's a little older, I'm already looking forward to all the new adventures we can take him on!!

1 comment:

  1. Boise Zoo is so much fun! Love to see pics of the the whole fam!! Of course you all are as good lookng as ever! :)
