Sunday, March 18, 2012

Keegan's Adventures

Keegan has become quite the little explorer over the past few weeks. With increasing mobility and strength, he's been knocking over dining room chairs, climbing on and off the sofa, and is even trying to climb into the bathtub while his dad is taking a shower. The other night I heard a big thud in the dining room, expecting that I would hear a huge baby cry after that. Instead, I heard the loudest little boy laugh ever. As soon as I looked over, Keegan was climbing all over his mountain of a chair, very proud of his newest conquest.

 After realizing that he could climb on the chair, he decided to start climbing on other random objects in our house as well, like his toy shelves. He can stand on the bottom shelf and reach for toys that are higher up, as I nervously sit back on the sofa waiting for the inevitable to happen. So far, we've had no major bumps or bruises, which is why I tink he keeps going back for more!! Lucky little boy, you can barely see him in his mess of new toys!!

With all the adventures he's been on throughout the house, it should be no surprise that he's starting to take some steps!! This last Thursday (3/15), he took his first steps out of my hands towards the safety and comfort of his dad sitting on the sofa! We were so excited that we kept trying to get him to take more steps and he even stood on his own before taking a very controlled fall towards the ground. We've been practicing a little more and more each day since and I think it's only a matter of time before he's up and on his own- and then I will have a whole new exercise routine to master here at home!!

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