Thursday, March 29, 2012

Boys Will be Boys

This last weekend we had our friends Bert, Kathy, and Ethan over for a BBQ. The weather was beautiful in the morning and of course had clouded over and even started raining by mid afternoon. But nastey weaterh wasn't going to keep the boys (big nor small)  inside. The little boys got to ride around the yard in the wagon, climb in and out of the four-wheeler, and around and around the castle.

Ethan was so serious in all of my pictures, but his little face simply cracks me up!!

No, I do NOT want to swing!!!!

I can do it Dad, I can do it!!!

Yes, little man, you can!!

1 comment:

  1. Keegan is such a handsome little man!! Love these pictures! Yay for BBQ's. Wish I was closer to enjoy them with you and your sweet family!! :)
