Sunday, March 11, 2012

Keegan's First Birthday

It seems hard to believe that Keegan is officially a toddler now! We had such a wonderfulday and it started first thing in the morning. Drew spent the night before building Keegan's castle that we got him and the wagon from the Grandparents Case. We brought Keegan out of his room and he immediately got to start playing with his new toys. He went down the slide, got to swing a little bit, and Dad even pulledhim around the house in his wagon, while still in jammies complete with pacifier in mouth.

 Drew got Keegan dressed for teh day so I wasn't the least bit surprised when the boys emerged into the kitchen with the babe in his tuxedo t-shirt. He was dressed for the party!!

We had Missie and Wes adn Grandpa Brian and Grandma Ardele over or dinner that night and Mama made lasagna and crescent rolls. And of course no birthday dinner would be complete without chocolate birthday cake. Keegan loved all parts of his first birthday dinner, especially the dessert. After opening a few gifts and getting in the bath long enough to wipe away the frosting, our little birthday man was ready for bed.
Two birthday parties down, one more party with friends this weekend. Keegan certainly feels very loved knowing that he has so many people who want to celebrate his birthday with him!!


I seemed to find myself remembering what went on the day Keegan was born all day long. While I was sitting at work I would glance at the clock and think about where in our day we were and what we were doing a year ago. My day at work this year didn't even compare to the adventure we were on last year. I wish I had been able to spend my day with my babe, as I spent the day last year anticipating his arrival. This has truly been an amamzing 365 days and we have a beautiful little boy to show for it!

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