Sunday, July 3, 2011

Our Little Fishy

We took Keegan to the swimming pool in our neighborhood yesterday and we had a great time. We knew he would either love it becuase it's just like being in the bathtub, or that he would hate it cause it was a massive bathtub full of cooler water. But we got him in his swim diaper, a swim shirt, a sun hat and his glasses, covered him in sunscreen, then headed down the street. He took a few minutes to figure out what was going on, and didn't really splash around like he does in the bath, but he didn't scream and freak out like we worried he would.

Our neighbors gave us a little floaty that their kids had grown out of and it worked pretty well. Keegan needs to be just a little bit bigger but then he'll fit perfectly and will be off on his own, I'm sure!

We were at the pool for about 20 minutes when we decided to head home. We wrapped Keegan in his towel and by the time we got home, he was wiped out! Success!! Now we just need to take him back in time to get him sleepy for bed. A wonderful first adventure for our little fishy!!

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