Friday, July 15, 2011

He's On His Own

We finally decided that we would move Keegan into his own room tonight. We get him dressed in there and read books in there, but we haven't had him sleep in his crib yet. So, tonight is the night.

I started cleaning up the room last night so that when I come in at 2am I won't trip over anything. It was good because it forced me to re-organize his closet and put a lot of his laundry away. I finished tonight by getting the Scentsy night light ready to go and getting his crib cleaned out. Drew was adament that we get every toy out of the crib so that Keegan has no chance to get hurt or rubbed the wrong way by any stuffed animals. He's a good daddy.

So, we had bath time and I got him all wrapped up in his blankies, moved the humidifier into the nursery and started rocking Keegan to sleep. After about 15 minutes of rocking/walking, the babe was asleep and down in the crib he went. That was an hour ago and he has yet to wake up/make any kind of noise (knock on wood; and yes, I have gone to make sure he's still breathing). We have the monitor ready to go in our room and I am excitedly anxious about how tonight will go. He, I have no doubt, will be fine. Mama? I'll tell ya tomorrow :)

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