Sunday, July 10, 2011

First Bites

With Keegan's 4 month appointment this last week, our doctor told us that we could start feeding Keegan rice cereal and baby food. We thought we would start this weekend so that we could have a few days to try it out before we sent him off to daycare with his new diet. As you can see from the pictures below, it went really well. We changed spoons halfway through because the first one was a little big for his tiny mouth. But all in all, we had rice cereal success. After a week or so of cereal, we'll start trying Gerber veggies and see where that leads us!

After eating and getting ready, we went to the mall to walk around a bit- first time there since having the wee one. It was great to just get out and window shop- window shopping actually turned into real shopping when I got a new outfit thanks to my amazing family! But while we were there, I got to experience the first of the baby food diapers. WOW!! I was not expecting that. What a smell. I was talking to Keegan in the bathroom and said "Buddy, why couldn't you have done this at home." The woman in the stall behind us started laughing outloud. It was pretty funny!!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Keegan! So glad he likes his new diet! Smart girl to start with veggies too! =) Be ready to welcome longer naps and longer sleep time at night, usually food helps with that! He is such a beautiful boy Meg!
