Friday, July 8, 2011

4th of July

We celebrated the 4th of July a day early this year wit ha BBQ at my dad's house. We enjoyed the typical chips & dip, cooler of beer, and firework fanfare, but the BBQ is always the best. My dad has always been a wonderful grill master and this year was no different. He has a way with the cows, if you know what I mean. We had to hustle through our evening so that we could get Keegan home and hopefully asleep before the fireworks started, and we just about made it. He slept right on through the pops and bangs and shrieks, but the poor little doggie didn't do as well. She hates the noises; last year Drew had to stay up until wee hours of the morning comforting her. All in all, it was a great night. We love any occassion to get together with some of our favorite people!

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