Friday, July 8, 2011

4 Month Stats

Keegan had his 4 month check-up this past Tuesday. Even though he got three different shots, he was very brave and stuck it out. The doctor told us that she can feel his top teeth beginning to drop, which would explain his constant stuffy nose and all the drool. He has wonderful head control so she said we could start him on rice cereal this week and then start moving onto vegetables (because if he starts with fruit [yummy] he'll never want to eat veggies [yuck]). We'll begin that this weekend. She gave us a bunch more information on what's going on in his little life and we were pleased to hear all of it. Here are his stats:

Weight: 14.6 pounds (50th percentile, up from 12.4 at his 8 week appt.)

Height: 24 1/4 inches (30th percentile, up 2 inches from 8 week appt.)

Head Circumference: 42 1/2 inches (60th percentile- WOW!!)

He certainly is growing and we're having so much fun with him. He's started to discover his voice and talks to us all the time. He still loves his bath, and giggles nearly the whole time. He sleeps about 5 hours at a time at night, and has started playing with and reaching for his toys as we present them. His favorite is a little puppy dog with a big nose that has krinkle fabric in the tummy so that it makes noise whenever he squeezes it. He loves it. I can't wait to see what adventures come next , but I'm certainly loving right now too!!

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