Friday, June 24, 2011

3 Months and Just as Cute

We had Keegan's three-month pictures taken over two weekends because of his lack of interest in taking pictures. If he's going to remain my child, he better get use to the camera. Anyways, we had a great time with our favorite photographer, Becky Gaviola, and we got some great pictures. Enjoy these few, our favorite....

This was not a "PSI" box like in the garbage colelctors PSI. It was a Pepsi crate but you can't see the first two letters.

I think he looks like a little Elf in this picture, looking so precious propped up on his hands.


  1. Love the photos!! He is soooo very cute!! You're photographer did a fabulous job!! Easyily done though with such a precious boy! =)

  2. Getting soo big and soo adorable :)
