Sunday, June 19, 2011

Our First Father's Day

Today was the first time we got to celebrate Father's Day in our house and we had a great day! It started before we even woke up. Keegan went down to sleep at 9pm and didn't wake up again until 5am, and went back down until 9:30!! Almost 12 hours- it was awesome!!! Once he was awake, Keegan got to put on his special day "I Love my Dad" shirt and it was off to wake up Daddy. After cards and gifts, I was off to the kitchen to make breakfast- fried eggs, hashbrowns, sausage and toast and hot chocolate. We all got our breakfast down and then it was time for showers and off on the first adventure of the day.

We had gone last Sunday to take Keegan's three month pictures and it didn't go so well. Keegan had a really tough night the night before and he wasn't having ANY pictures taken. We got a few shots before he absolutely lost it, so today, we were off to try and get more pictures. Today went MUCH better and we got some great pictures. Look for them in future posts. After pictures, Drew had decided he wanted his typical Sunday lunch so we stopped off at the Pita Pit before heading UP to the next adventure.

The last time Drew and I were at Tablerock in Boise, it was March 9, 2008, and we were getting engaged. This time, a wedding and a baby later, we were able to go back as a family. The wind was crazy up there so we didn't get to stay very long, but it was a great way to share the beginning of our relationship with the newest part of our relationship.

Even though the day isn't over yet, we've had a great time celebrating our Daddy. We both love him very much and look forward to many more days of celebration!!

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