Saturday, July 23, 2011
Black & White Baby
Keegan and I were waiting in the car while Drew was pumping gas on Friday and I happened to have my camera with me after using it that day at work. I didn't realize I had it in black & white mode while I was getting shots of Keegan until afterwards, but I love them even more this way. I'm a sucker for classic, clean, images. He's getting so big and looks so good in front of my lens. I just had to share.

Friday, July 15, 2011
He's On His Own
We finally decided that we would move Keegan into his own room tonight. We get him dressed in there and read books in there, but we haven't had him sleep in his crib yet. So, tonight is the night.
I started cleaning up the room last night so that when I come in at 2am I won't trip over anything. It was good because it forced me to re-organize his closet and put a lot of his laundry away. I finished tonight by getting the Scentsy night light ready to go and getting his crib cleaned out. Drew was adament that we get every toy out of the crib so that Keegan has no chance to get hurt or rubbed the wrong way by any stuffed animals. He's a good daddy.
So, we had bath time and I got him all wrapped up in his blankies, moved the humidifier into the nursery and started rocking Keegan to sleep. After about 15 minutes of rocking/walking, the babe was asleep and down in the crib he went. That was an hour ago and he has yet to wake up/make any kind of noise (knock on wood; and yes, I have gone to make sure he's still breathing). We have the monitor ready to go in our room and I am excitedly anxious about how tonight will go. He, I have no doubt, will be fine. Mama? I'll tell ya tomorrow :)
I started cleaning up the room last night so that when I come in at 2am I won't trip over anything. It was good because it forced me to re-organize his closet and put a lot of his laundry away. I finished tonight by getting the Scentsy night light ready to go and getting his crib cleaned out. Drew was adament that we get every toy out of the crib so that Keegan has no chance to get hurt or rubbed the wrong way by any stuffed animals. He's a good daddy.
So, we had bath time and I got him all wrapped up in his blankies, moved the humidifier into the nursery and started rocking Keegan to sleep. After about 15 minutes of rocking/walking, the babe was asleep and down in the crib he went. That was an hour ago and he has yet to wake up/make any kind of noise (knock on wood; and yes, I have gone to make sure he's still breathing). We have the monitor ready to go in our room and I am excitedly anxious about how tonight will go. He, I have no doubt, will be fine. Mama? I'll tell ya tomorrow :)
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
And there he goes...
I wanted to film Keegan laying on the floor tonight (for the purpose of showing his tummy time off) and I got more than I was even hoping for. Not only did I get him rolling over ONCE, but I got him TWICE!! So exciting. Thought I would share!!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
First Bites
With Keegan's 4 month appointment this last week, our doctor told us that we could start feeding Keegan rice cereal and baby food. We thought we would start this weekend so that we could have a few days to try it out before we sent him off to daycare with his new diet. As you can see from the pictures below, it went really well. We changed spoons halfway through because the first one was a little big for his tiny mouth. But all in all, we had rice cereal success. After a week or so of cereal, we'll start trying Gerber veggies and see where that leads us!

After eating and getting ready, we went to the mall to walk around a bit- first time there since having the wee one. It was great to just get out and window shop- window shopping actually turned into real shopping when I got a new outfit thanks to my amazing family! But while we were there, I got to experience the first of the baby food diapers. WOW!! I was not expecting that. What a smell. I was talking to Keegan in the bathroom and said "Buddy, why couldn't you have done this at home." The woman in the stall behind us started laughing outloud. It was pretty funny!!
Friday, July 8, 2011
4 Month Stats
Keegan had his 4 month check-up this past Tuesday. Even though he got three different shots, he was very brave and stuck it out. The doctor told us that she can feel his top teeth beginning to drop, which would explain his constant stuffy nose and all the drool. He has wonderful head control so she said we could start him on rice cereal this week and then start moving onto vegetables (because if he starts with fruit [yummy] he'll never want to eat veggies [yuck]). We'll begin that this weekend. She gave us a bunch more information on what's going on in his little life and we were pleased to hear all of it. Here are his stats:
Weight: 14.6 pounds (50th percentile, up from 12.4 at his 8 week appt.)
Height: 24 1/4 inches (30th percentile, up 2 inches from 8 week appt.)
Head Circumference: 42 1/2 inches (60th percentile- WOW!!)
He certainly is growing and we're having so much fun with him. He's started to discover his voice and talks to us all the time. He still loves his bath, and giggles nearly the whole time. He sleeps about 5 hours at a time at night, and has started playing with and reaching for his toys as we present them. His favorite is a little puppy dog with a big nose that has krinkle fabric in the tummy so that it makes noise whenever he squeezes it. He loves it. I can't wait to see what adventures come next , but I'm certainly loving right now too!!
4th of July
We celebrated the 4th of July a day early this year wit ha BBQ at my dad's house. We enjoyed the typical chips & dip, cooler of beer, and firework fanfare, but the BBQ is always the best. My dad has always been a wonderful grill master and this year was no different. He has a way with the cows, if you know what I mean. We had to hustle through our evening so that we could get Keegan home and hopefully asleep before the fireworks started, and we just about made it. He slept right on through the pops and bangs and shrieks, but the poor little doggie didn't do as well. She hates the noises; last year Drew had to stay up until wee hours of the morning comforting her. All in all, it was a great night. We love any occassion to get together with some of our favorite people!

Sunday, July 3, 2011
Our Little Fishy
We took Keegan to the swimming pool in our neighborhood yesterday and we had a great time. We knew he would either love it becuase it's just like being in the bathtub, or that he would hate it cause it was a massive bathtub full of cooler water. But we got him in his swim diaper, a swim shirt, a sun hat and his glasses, covered him in sunscreen, then headed down the street. He took a few minutes to figure out what was going on, and didn't really splash around like he does in the bath, but he didn't scream and freak out like we worried he would.
Our neighbors gave us a little floaty that their kids had grown out of and it worked pretty well. Keegan needs to be just a little bit bigger but then he'll fit perfectly and will be off on his own, I'm sure!
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