Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Keegan the Cuddler

Over the past few weeks, Keegan has become quite the little cuddle bug. Everytime we pick him up his head goes right to our shoulders. He stays there for just a few seconds, then goes about getting from us what he wants. If we're sitting on the floor, he drops his head on our legs and just hangs out for a few seconds. Bedtime has become a sweet time as he wraps his little arms around my neck as I rock him to sleep. He really enjoys spending time with us- he's always crawling around us and on us and over us, and wants to be as close to us as possible. I love it!!

He's also getting ready to pop out some more teeth. He hasn't been sleeping well the past few nights and is drooling EVERYWHERE!!!! I should tie a bucket around his neck and I'd be able to water the lawn after him wearing it for five minutes. But he just smiles out of his drool-covered, little mouth and I don't even care that my carpet is covered in his mouth cooties :)

With all that he does everyday and all the adventures that he has, it's still hard to believe that we're a few weeks away from his first birthday!! We've ordered his gifts and have gotten his invitations for his party all ready to go. I can't wait to sing Happy Birthday to him, and tosee him eat cake, and to experience what a wonderful thing birthdays are... Getting ready over the next month will be lots of fun and will lead up to a great party.

I found this poster a few weeks ago online and it perfectly describes what I hope for in Keegan's litle life. I can only cross my fingers that he will have the most wonderful of adventures, and that I will be witness to them all!!!

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