Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Very Merry First Christmas

We had without a doubt, no questions asked, hands down, the BEST first family Christmas EVERRRRR!!!!! From the food to the company to the mass to the presents to more food, it was all wonderful! We truly were all spoiled by our family and friends and Keegan made off like a bandit. He wasn't fully aware of what was going on, but he was certainly having one with all the toys as they were unwrapped and opened and assembled. He got everything from clothes, to new spoons, to toys, to riding and walking mobiles, to books, books and more books (we like books). He even got a rattle from Costa Rica!!! I look forward to the Christmases we have in our future where he (and future children) will run down the stairs/hallway to see the gifts under the tree and the breakfast on the table and the stockings hung with trinkets and goodies overflowing from the rim. I anticipate the excitement on their faces and the memories we'll prove through pictures and videos. My ghosts of Christmases past have served me well, as the spirits of Christmas present make my heart smile and swell as the hopes for adventures of Christmases yet to come make me excited just thinking of them.

I hope you enjoy this small showing of what a wonderful first Christmas our little man had!

"Let me at those presents Ma, I'm ready!!!"

I got new bath toys- I'm soooooooooo excited!!!

Getting some help from Dad...

They finally let me play with something. Thanks Gma & Gpa Case for my first computer station!!

Thanks Santa, and Mom and Dad and grandparents, and aunts and uncles and friends and family for such a wonderful first Christmas. I've got enough toys to last me a year, or at least until my birthday in March, and will be terrorizing my folks for sure as I run around the house on my new bug-mobile! Can't wait to get going....so I'm off.....see ya!!!

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