Saturday, December 17, 2011

Santa & Keegan

Keegan met Santa Claus today!!!

One of the banks downtown has been open the past several Saturdays and had a Santa on hand for people shopping downtown to come visit. For a small donation to the American Cancer Society, you could have your picture taken with Santa, and we were allowed to use OUR camera, something the 'Mall Santa' doesn't approve of.

I was worried that there would be a long line and since we were already pushing into Keegan's naptime, I was only dreading how today might go. But we walked right in, no line, and right up to Santa's Throne. A quick visit and a dozen pictures later, we were on our way home. It was clear that it had been a very long day for Santa, as evident on his face, and that he was ready for some hot, buttered something or other. But even if Santa wasn't his jolly ol' self, we sure enjoyed dresing our little man up- in a hand-knitted sweater by his Great-Nana Pat no less!

One more bearded man down, no sweat!!

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