Thursday, August 4, 2011

Swim Lessons

This last week was Keegan's first week of swim lessons. We found a private program that let us enroll our 5 month old in a two week, eight night program that meets for 30 minutes each session. One parent and baby are allowed in the pool per family and we work on floating, kicking, reaching for toys in front of the baby, going under water, and blowing bubbles. While Keegan is the youngest participant by far, he is doing an amazing job. He doesn't scare easily and he really seems to be opening up to try things more and more each night.

The first night I dunked him under water three times and he only got upset once. The last two nights we dunked him a few more times and he ddin't seemed phased in the slightest. I try to help him kick his legs and tonight he appeared to do it on his own. We have him chase a little plastic Nemo fish around and he'll reach for it with his hands and kicked towards it tonight. He really likes the water and Drew and I are enjoying watching him take in the experience. We have one more week of classes and then we're on our own at our community pool. A few more weeks of practice and I'm sure Keegy will be swimming laps!!

1 comment:

  1. so cute!!! i had never thought of placing bridger in swim lessons when he was a baby!!! awesome job keegan!!!
