Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Baby's Life

I love watching Keegan explore the things around him. He has so many toys and animals that he plays with on a daily basis, that watching him is always entertaining. He looks on with such wonder and amazement, such innocence. His current favorite toy is his exersaucer with all the farm animals on it. The horse sways back and forth and the sheep and cow move back and forth, and the chickens dance- my personal favorite. He is so simply entertained; I love it.

He makes the most wonderful noises. Everyone says he seems so chill and easy- he really is. He hardly ever cries or fusses, and he just sits and studies people most of the time. Weh he wakes up from sleeping he never cries, but I can hear him over the monitor talking to himself. He cracks himsself up! When he gets really interested in something he doesn't shut up- my kind of boy :)

I love taking him with me when I run errands. I put him in a little backpack and he gets to look around and see what'sgoing on- he loves it. And mostly I think he loves that so many people (mostly women) come up to him and make goo-goo eyes at him. I won't be able to keep the girls off of him!

Mostly, I love looking at him and wondering what's in store for him; what kind of adventures he'll go on. I love watching him as he sees things for the first time- to see his perception of what I already know. I get to see so many things all over again through him. He teaches me so much, and yet, I know I still have so much to learn.

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