Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Days Fly By

I can't believe that it's already the first of August. I know everyone says that, but this summer/year is seriously flying by. And we have so many things to show for it.

First of all, Keegan is a week shy of being 5 months old!! He is sleeping so well at night and only gets up once (most nights). He takes good naps at daycare and loves playing with his toys there. After seeing how much he loved his exer-saucer at school, we got him one with, what else, farm animals on it. He loves the "spinning chicken" toy on it and laughs at me whenever I make the chicken noise. He can roll over in both directions and is wonderful at holding his head up. He can also lay on his stomach and reach for items in front of him. He is constantly trying to sit up in his carseat, so I know he's just itchin' to be sitting up full time. Once and a while I put him in his Bumbo seat and he really seems to like it. He's chewing on everything he can get his mouth on, which leads me to believe that he's getting ready to cut a tooth- CRAZY!!!

Most excitingly, he is in his first week of SWIMMING LESSONS!!! Last night was his first night and he did better than I thought he would. He didn't really even freak out when we dunked him under water ( I think I had a harder time with that than he did). We helped him kick his legs and he did great. Tonight, he did even better with going under water and did it a few more times tonight than last night. He floated on his back tonight (with help) and after the initial getting his ears wet, he did just fine putting his head back in the water. His favorite part is when he gets a pool toy (tonight was a plastic Nemo fish) and proceeds to put it right in his mouth!! I can't wait to see what he can do at the end of our two week session, as I know he'll love being in the water as much as his parentals! Don't worry, pictures are coming :)

Drew has officially lost control of the Man Cave, as it has been overtaken by baby toys. A swing, a bouncer, a saucer, blankets, toys.... The list goes on and on. Who knew that a baby needed so much stuff? Well, I know he doesn't NEED it, but he has so much fun playing with all of it.

The rest of our summer is going well. Drew and I are busy at work. I have lots of fun summer field trips to take my residents on and will hopefully get to take my little family along to join in on the fun. We try to spend some time each week in the yard, but the "warm" weather makes it a little tough to be out there too long. We're hoping to get it in good enough shape to get our patio extended and some kind of patio covering up this coming spring.

Mostly, I love my life right now. I couldn't ask for anything more. My boys keep me entertained and happy and I am blessed everyday to have them sharing in my journey. I only hope that I can impact upon thier lives as they have mine.

1 comment:

  1. So excited you got into the swim lessons!! I miss you. Life is just flying. It's so much fun to watch the little boys grow and develope. Have a blessed day!
