Saturday, August 27, 2011

Good Morning Mama

Keegan has been an absolute super star these last two nights. He's been going to bed about 8pm and hasn't been waking up until about 6AM!!!! I don't know what we're doing, but I'll be doing whatever it is everynight as long as I need to in order to keep this up. The only problem is I've been waking up around 3am and wondering when he'll wake up. Rather than just go and check on him, I lay awake without getting much more sleep. Hopefully he'll keep it up and give me a chance to get adjusted to his new routine.

He's also been enjoying new food as part of his new routine. His favorite food so far is Sweet Potatoes. He also like applesauce, carrots and peaches. Mostly, he just likes food. Somedays we can't get it in his little bird mouth fast enough. And he'scertainly been eating enough. He weighs about 16 1/2 pounds and is just a week shy of being 6 months old. He's still in 3-6months clothes, so we'll see how much longer he takes to get into solid 6 month outfits.

He can juuuuust about sit up on his own and is really enjoying the new view he has. His favorite toy is a little stuffed cow that my friend Brittany got for him- we've named him Mason :) We're certainly having lots of fun with our little man!!

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