Monday, December 27, 2010

How many days to go???

So, I installed this little "Countdown to Baby" timer on our blog page. See it? It's right up there in the right hand corner. Whenever I get on my blog it kindly reminds me how much time I have left, right before I realize how much stuff I have left to do. This morning I got on and it said "69" days. As I recall, there are 30-31 days in a month, and 30-31 goes into 69 about twice with a few days left over... I'm pretty sure that means we have two months a little bit for this little man arrives. SERIOUSLY?!?!?!? I have sooooooooooo muc hstuff left to do: find a rocking chair, put clothes'diapers/ everything else in the dresser drawers, two baby showers, clean rest of the house, spend some quality time with husband, and perhaps try to get a pedicure (or two). And ALL in 69 days. I better quit blogging and get to work.

But, alas, the baby bump grows. Drew took this before I headed off to work on Friday morning, when there were 73 days left!

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