Sunday, October 17, 2010

Our two car garage

One fo the biggest things we've been working on this last month or so is getting Drew's car into our garage- it is a two-car garage after all. There werwe a few contributing factors to getting this done. W eknew that if we wanted to get a second car in the garage we would have to move the garbage cans and bikes outside, but we didn't really have a place to put them...until my amazing father-in-law called one afternoon and told us he would come and extend our fence so that we would have a bit of a dog run/storage yard. He came on Monday and with the help of Drew and our brother-in-law Erik, the boys had the fence built and a dog door installed within the week. So, out went the garbage cans, the bikes, and the mower. We also put the BBQ on the back porch and covered it with a tarp. We had a second, older BBQ that we donated to my sister and her boyfriend.
Next we had to simply re-arrange a few things in the garage, which literally took twenty minutes. While we were getting things moved around our neighbor came over and told us one of his buddies was coming to blow out his sprinklers and asked if we wanted ours done too. Since we hadn't done this yet for the season, we hurriedly said yes and "check", another to do was off the lost. We easily finished the organizing of the garage and with pride, pulled Drew's car in. Our same neighbor couldn't believe we had BOTH cars int he garage ( cause both his stay parked in their driveway). It was a great day and we were very proud of our accomplishments.
Next??? Perhaps some painting...crib building...diaper buying...

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Meg!! You are totally on the ball!! Watch out for when the "nesting" are goingto be like superwoman!! =) ha ha!! Garage looks great!!
