Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Baby Boy Case

Well, it's official- we're having a BOY!! The day seemed to drag forever because we were soooo excited, but it was worth the wait. The Doctor said everything looked great and Baby Boy measured up perfectly. We've already been to Carter's Baby Outlet, and mostly behaved there, but we thought we'd get home and share some new pictures... Enjoy!!!

Right Leg

Right Arm


Left Leg

Left Arm


And this is my favorite, a little face peeking out to say "Hello, I'm fine, but I'll keep cooking for awhile longer."

Already I can't wait to see who this little man will be and to share him with all of you!!

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATS!!SO very happy for you both!! =) HAs the shopping begun?! You're going to have so much fun Meg!! The decorating and buying clothes is the best part!=) You are going to be an amazing mother!! My love to you all!
