Friday, November 4, 2011

Clean Up

Over the past few days, Drew and I realized that Keegan was not going to keep his toys in his "toy box"!! He's so proud of himself- Look ma, I can spill 'em all by myself!!

So while getting the tires checked at Costco this afternoon, and only needing to buy milk, Drew and I found this great toy organizer....and then some really cute hand puppets that all look like safari animals (the giraffe is our favorite-see link below and you'll see why)...and then a few other things :)

But Keegan loves it. He likes the bright colors and has already started trying to figure out how to get the bins out of the shelves. He got a toy out of a bin,played with it for a few minutes, and then PUT IT BACK IN THE BIN!! It was crazy. We all sat there stunned at what he had done all on his own. He is so amazing! I can't wait to see what he grows up exploring, and wanting to study and do... He amazes me everyday with his wit and sense of humor and attention to everything around him. I cherish his accomplishments and offer praise as often as I can. And I'm sure I'll reward some of those accomplishments by filling up the rest of the bins on the shelves...stay tuned, it probably won't take me long. After all, have you seen what Costco sells when you're only looking for milk?!?! :)

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