Monday, November 28, 2011

Keegan's First Turkey Day

We had a wonderful Thanksigiving with many different members of our families. We spent the actaul Turkey Day in idaho Falls, as we usually do, with Drew's family. We always enjoy playing cards, making turkey sandwiches, shopping the Black Friday ads and then braving the crowds and the weather to try and find the year's latest must haves. We got a lot of shopping done then enjoyed a hot breakfast with the aunts, sisters, and cousins. I really look forward to this day every year, because of the time spent together.

We also celebrated my 28th birthday on Thanksgiving this year. I got my first "Happy Birthday Mommy" card and it was wonderful!! I just felt bad that my little man was stills suffering from a head cold- I'm really ready for it to leave him alone.

Coming home we stopped in TF and had lunch with my mom and Butch and his family. His two boys adn their wives and kids provided an afternoon of entertainment for all. It was a nice visit.

We always love going away and visiting our family, but man is it nice to come home to our own beds and routines!! It was fun to share my favorite holiday with Keegan and I enjoyed shopping for his first Christmas gifts. I can't wait to experience the next holiday with him. Hoping you all had a wonderful Thank-Filled day with your loved ones. We are so blessed to have you all in our lives and we hope we express our gratitude for your love often. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

8 Months & A Week

Things about Keegan:

~He has started crawling. He's been toying around with the idea of crawling for several weeks now but finally has it down. He likes the army crawl, but I am sure that he'll be up on all fours in the near future.

~He finally has a tooth. After not getting a lot of sleep on Friday, I caught glimpse of his bottom, right, front tooth on Saturday morning. We're giving him teething pills that seem to be giving him some comfort, so we'll see how long it takes for a few more to come in.

~He's starting to eat cereal- real cereal, not baby ceral. We've been giving him cereal called Gerber Puffs, which come in different fruit flavors, and he loves them. He picks them up between his cute little fingers and he figured out very quickly where they needed to end up. Drew said he scarfed half the container tonight- maybe not a complete container, but he really does like them!!

~With all his crawling and rolling, we did have another first over the weekend...while crawling over dad in bed Sunday morning, he rolled a wee bit too far and found himself rolling off the bed. Luckily, one of our decorative pillows was on the ground, and he landed on that, but it was still scary for everyone involved. He wanted to cuddle for a few minutes, but then he just wanted to go play. I know that there will be many more falls, and bumps, and bruises, but the first one will always seem the scariest. We'll all get use to it.

~I'm very excited that the first thing he's really learned from me is to make boat noises with his mouth. You know when you flick your finger over your lips and make the litte motor boat noise? Well, I taught that to Keegan and he does it all the time- he has made it a complete game. We'll be driving to work in the morning and all of a sudden he justs starts doing it in the backseat and Drew and I just laugh- next? Drew is teaching him to clap. I'm hoping after that he'll pick up on the vacuuming!!!

He really does change and grow and learn something new everyday. We're having so much fun with him, and I'm really looking forward to celebrating the holidays with him!!

Gigi Judy

My mom has enjoyed many weekend visits with Keegan. She comes and helps me with projects around the house, plays with Keegan, cooks dinner for us all.....wouldn't you have fun? Mostly I think she likes that Keegan's hair looks just like her's first thing in the morning :)

But I do think she's kinda jealous that she can't wear footed pajamas!!!

Keegan's Big Boy Seat

Keegan has finally outgrown his little Bumbo seat so we were forced to upgrade to an actual high chair. Since we don't have a ton of extra space in our dining room, we decided to go with a space saver model that straps into one of our dining room chairs. The original idea was that we could all sit at the table this way for meals...but that was just an idea. All in all, Keegan really likes his seat and enjoys reaching for his own food, as you can see below. I'm sure he'll be ready for steak and potatoes next week!!

Rub a dub dub, a Surprise in the Tub!!

I walked into the bathroom the other night to see that Drew had not gotten Keegan completely undressed for the tub. I grabbed his hat and walked it into the other room to put it away, and by the time I came back....

.....This is what I found. Bathtime is always more fun when you have a buddy, right?!?!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Clean Up

Over the past few days, Drew and I realized that Keegan was not going to keep his toys in his "toy box"!! He's so proud of himself- Look ma, I can spill 'em all by myself!!

So while getting the tires checked at Costco this afternoon, and only needing to buy milk, Drew and I found this great toy organizer....and then some really cute hand puppets that all look like safari animals (the giraffe is our favorite-see link below and you'll see why)...and then a few other things :)

But Keegan loves it. He likes the bright colors and has already started trying to figure out how to get the bins out of the shelves. He got a toy out of a bin,played with it for a few minutes, and then PUT IT BACK IN THE BIN!! It was crazy. We all sat there stunned at what he had done all on his own. He is so amazing! I can't wait to see what he grows up exploring, and wanting to study and do... He amazes me everyday with his wit and sense of humor and attention to everything around him. I cherish his accomplishments and offer praise as often as I can. And I'm sure I'll reward some of those accomplishments by filling up the rest of the bins on the shelves...stay tuned, it probably won't take me long. After all, have you seen what Costco sells when you're only looking for milk?!?! :)


Keegan the Giraffe got to celebrate his first Halloween this year. I was so excited to find his costume at the kid's consignment store- and even more excited to find it for $8.99!! Everywhere I looked there were the same five baby costumes and all for stupid prices. I was resolved to fins something for a better deal. Most people will give me a hard time for putting my child in secind hand clothing when I refuse to wear it, but Keegan will have no idea- so don't tell him!!

We started at my Dad and Ardele's house, stopped by the Ellseworths, and decided that Missie's house would be the last stop due to a particular giraffe getting rather sleeping. We had a great time and I think Keegan might have had some fun too. Excited for next year when he can participate a little more and really see what fun the holiday can offer!!