Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I'm sitting in my office right now goofing around on my computer and watching Glee as Drew is entertaining people in the other room for Game Night ( basically a bunch of boys who come play nerdy games til wee hours of the morning). This office, as an office, will not live much longer, as the "office" will soon be the "nursery:.

That being said, there is A LOTTTTTTTT of workto do in this room to make it nursery ready. The office has become the catch-all room in our house, holding clothes, extra picture frames, my Scentsy stuff, seasonal decor that hasn't found its way to the attic, etc.

The main reason we haven't really started working on this room yet is because we're waiting to find out the gender of the baby. It's hard to feel compelled to spend a lot of time in here when I don't know where I'm gonna end up. We find out the gender on October 20th, so I'm sure October 21st will be the first busy day we have getting our house ready...
and then there's the garage...
and the backyard...
and the attic...
and the... and the...and the...

1 comment:

  1. I totally know what you mean! I've had the same shuffle-the-stuff problem. But I came home from Vegas to the best husband ever: he'd started arranging our dressers and came up with a plan for the rest. (He just ran out of time to do it all.)
