Saturday, September 11, 2010

Miss Alli

So Alli Berkson and I have known each other since we were much, much smaller. We did the whole growing up, going to school, moving away routine, and over the last two years or so have had the chance to form grown-up friendships all over again. We've shared many a coffee dates and Saturday morning adventures, but the best thing we get to share right now is our adventure into motherhood. Alli is currently 19 weeks pregnant and her baby bump just recently popped into existence. She is absolutely adorable with this little pooch right around her middle.

This last week I was able to take a natural light photography class, and when they told us we would be needing a model for our final shoot, I knew I had to only make one phone call. Getting to catch Alli's process of sprouting a tummy was exactly what I wanted to capture, and she readily said yes!!!

We met up at the Depot on Saturday morning and below you will find some of my favorite pictures. I told her I was aiming for five really good shots and I think I got them! I told her we'd do some more as she progresses and has even more to show off- a great way to start some new memories with a great friend. Thanks Miss Alli, I am so glad to we get to share this adventure together!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you've already gotten the hang of your camera! You're an amazing photographer - I can't wait to see the rest of the pics too :D
