We had our second doctor's appointment today. We were hoping to hear a heartbeat, since we hadn't been able to last time (4 weeks ago, at 9 weeks). The doctor tried for about five (long) minutes to find it with the dopler, but couldn't. Sensing we were discouraged, as was he, he sent us over to the ultrasound side of the clinic. We still weren't able to hear a heartbeat, because they don't recommend using an ultrasound to hear the heartbeat, but we got some new pictures, one of which shows off the cutest little face ever. It was a quick appointment after a long wait in the lobby- we found out later that he was late because he was delivering a baby on the other side of the hospital (good enough excuse for me). We have our next appointment on September 24th and hopefully will be able to tell the gender at our October appointment- and yes, we WILL find out!!!
Oh! So sorry he couldn't find it. :( The pictures are fun, though!! So cute!