Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Adventures Begin!!!

So if you couldn't tell by the above picture, we're PREGNANT, and I've been getting grief from some folks out there for not posting anything about it on my blog. So here you go, here's a posting.

As of now, we are just under 13 weeks. We are due March 6th, 2011, but I'm hoping to pop perhaps in February. If we do deliver in March, I'm hoping for March 5th, my Grandma Rosie's birthday. We go tomorrow (Friday) for our second doctor's appointment and we're hoping to hear a heart beat- we saw it on the monitor at our first appointment, but we didn't get to hear it. Specifically, we're hoping for a heartbeat of less that 130- a possible factor for having a boy!! I've not experienced much morning sickness, a second characteristic of having a we'll see.

Mostly, everything is going really well, and I can't really think of anything I would change. I get tired a little earlier at night, and am eating my meals a little earlier, but other than that, I feel great.

Stay tuned for more updates!!!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! I'm still as excited for you as the day you told me!! =) An adventure it is and so so very worth it!! Although I must say I got jipped...If no morning sickness means BOYS then both of mine should have been/be BOYS!! ha ha!! =) I have NEVER been sick and here I am with one girl and another on the way!! Either way Meg you will be ecstatic!! Girl or boy!! =) Congrats again and cant wait for the appointment that you get to find out, let the shopping begin! =)
