Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Egg Hunt

The day before Easter we decided to have a brunch at our house. Drew's folks were in town so we invited them, Mary & Erik, Missie & Wes, and my dad & Ardele to come over for bit of breakfast and to lend hand in Keegan's first egg hunt. We had a great meal complete with ham, Thom Eggs, Nana Pat's sweet rolls (that I made the night before, not Nana) and the other Easter necessities (deviled eggs and mimosas!). After breakfast I hid a dozen plastic eggs filled with goldfish crackers, graham cracker bites, Cheerios, and animals crackers, all over the backyard. We then unleashed the bit bewildered child and assisting Aunts to do the hunting...not sure who was more vested in the process. Keegan got the hang of it pretty quick and enjoyed finding all the goodies inside the eggs at the end.

Thanks Missie and Mary for your help. Next year I'll be sure to hide some eggs for you too!!

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