Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Boy Speaks...

Keegan's mouth never stops moving!! He has so much to say right now and he simply can't get it all out fast enough ( I know this surprises no one!).  Up til now, he's been all over the "Dada" and "doggie" words- easy cause they start with the same letter, and of course his favroite word is the ever famous "Uh-Oh"!! He's even starting to learn when the uh oh is appropriate.

But today was the newest break thru! We were out running in the day's beautiful sunny weather, and Keegan discovered the letter "M". Mostly, he figured out how to say Mama!! It was all he could say the entire run, and it wass clear as a bell. It made my heart sing, dance, skip, and hope for joy! I had been waiting (not so patiently) for a few months now to hear it, and finally hearing it come from his little face was just the most wonderful thing ever.

But more words aren't the only thing proving that Keegan is turning into a big boy. He is walking 90% of the time now and only keeps his hands upin front of him for the first few steps, and once he gets his balance, he's off. He likes to follow us around the house and he often surprises us with how quicklyhe's on our tails. I know that it is only a matter of days before he's running around the yard!

ALSO, he's decided that he's ready to wear shoes. We've only had him in socks up til now, socks which he promptly takes off as soon as they're on! We tried shoes on him for the first time on Easter Sunday and he was in love! He walks well in them, something I was nervous about, but he's had no issues. His only complaint is that now he can't pull his socks off whenever he wants to :)

I know that all this just shows us how quickly our little boy is growing up and what wonderful things we have to look forward to!

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