Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Changing of the Guard

Over the past two weeks I've made two decisions in regards to Keegan's diet.

1) My ability to nurse him is not keeping up with the amount of food he is trying to consume. He wants to eat 6 or 7 ounces at a time, and with all the water I drink and food I eat, I can't seem to have enough to keep him happy.

2) I'm ready to be done nursing and have my body back. I've been sharing my lunch hour, my waking hours, my soreness, my aching back, all with my little boy in hopes that he would get from me what he needed. At six months of age, the doctors say he has indeed gotten what he needs. I'me ready to wear blouses to work that I don't have to worry about nursing in. I want to get our of nursing bras. I want to eat onions and peppers and not be worried about whether they'll affect him.

With these two points being made, Drew and I have decided to move away from nursing and start Keegan on a formula only diet. He's been responding to it very well and he's been sleeping longer at night and doesn't fuss as much during the day. I was worried that he would reject the formula, but he's being a tropper. Now, I just have to put in the work to get my body back to where it was before Mr. Man showed up so that I can give him the next best thing: a healthy, happy Mama!!

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